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Technical InformationCommon SWF questions: Why does my SWF form show a quote " when I want an @ ?

If your swf file has a form field for an email address, sometimes the problem crops up that the form field suddenly shows a quote mark " instead of an at symbol @, which is fine if you're on an American keyboard, but not much use if you're on a British one. Fill in your email address results in something"something.com instead of something@something.com.

The problem is nothing to do with the SWF programming or the HTML in the page - and it only occurs in some browsers but not all. It's caused by a bug in the Flashplayer which occurs when the wholly unrelated wmode is used in the object/embed code. So you need to remove all instances of

wmode=”transparent” and/or wmode=”opaque" from the HTML, and then it'll all work normally.

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